Week 1 no.1 – Fire Alarms

Check out our latest brochure below!

Here is the brochure – REV-05

Fire Alarm Experts Melbourne

We often get calls in relation to the upgrades, maintenance and repairs of fire alarms. We specialize in fire alarms and have years of experience as electricians. Our expertise includes programming, installation, and repairs.

Essential Service Building Permit Requirement

In Victoria the replacement, upgrade or repair of any essential service (including fire alarms) requires a building permit. You can read about the requirement for a building permit here


Fire Fire Alarm Panel, Melbourne CBD

What does this mean if I want to upgrade my fire alarm?

To relocate smoke detectors, upgrade your evacuation system, or change a fire panel’s location, you must obtain a permit. To get a building permit to alter any essential service is a very straight forward process. You will need to hire a builder or apply for the permit as an owner builder. Additionally, engage a drafting contractor or engineer to prepare the necessary documentation. It may seem tedious to align everything for the permit, but this process is crucial. It guarantees that every detail is addressed and that all parties have taken the necessary precautions in case issues arise.

What happens if I don\’t get a building permit?

A good example is a client who requested a quote to upgrade a non-functioning fire panel. We advised the client to hire a drafting contractor to document the necessary work. They also needed to open a building permit. We could provide a quote once the permit process was completed. We offered to project manage this for him, so he didn\’t have to do anything. However he choose to take an \”easier\” route and engage an electrician just to change the fire panel. This all went fine for a few months. But faults started appearing on the fire panel, and we were engaged to investigate. The electrician completed a quick and cheap job. He did not quote for changing the old conventional detectors. These detectors were not listed with the new fire panel. We advised the client on the necessary actions. We also recommended that he contact the original installer to resolve the issue.

There had been quite a bit of messing around and a staff member had advised the council of these issues. The client was consequently issued with a building notice for undertaking work without a building permit. Although a building notice is not disastrous, the client must now upgrade the building to meet current Australian Standards. This includes addressing the occupant warning system and other requirements.

All of this could have been avoided if the client had of sought proper approvals from the start.

Looking to upgrade your essential services?

Why not call MFE and ask us for an obligation free proposal on your upgrade or maintenance requirements! Ph 1300 134 971

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