Week-10-No-2-Hydrant-Pressure-Test-South-Melbourne: Five-Yearly Hydrant Boost Test
This week, we conducted the week-10-no-2-hydrant-pressure-test-South-Melbourne at 40 Albert Road as part of the routine five yearly hydrant boost test. Ensuring optimal system performance and safety, this test is crucial in maintaining compliance with fire safety regulations.
Image 1 – Early start to beat the traffic, still finding the red lights. Image 2 – 40 Albert Road, South Melbourne
Setting up
We check the local mains pressure at ground level. After a short line flush we head upstairs. The highest part of the building is the open deck on the roof. The hose is connected to the hydrant on the floor below.
We check the hydrant pressure achieved here from the mains pressure alone.
Image 3 – Initial hydrant flush, ground level, while waiting for this parking space to clear.
Image 4 – Hose from the top floor hydrant to the roof
Water pours out in a steady stream from the flow test device.
Initial hydrant test
The test starts with a static pressure reading. We open the flow test device to record the dynamic pressure and flow rate. This requires water to flow and in this particular building the roof gutters carry the water to a storm-water containment reservoir, for processing.
(Note:- Checking the drainage is not part of our test. A previous test in these premises by others caused flooding on the top floor. Careful execution ensured we did not repeat their expensive incident.)
Booster test
In the second part of the test we run the big pump in the fire truck to boost the mains pressure to the achieve the prescribed pressure. We pressure test the hydrant system at higher pressure without flow (static pressure). A brief burst of water measures the flow rate and pressure (dynamic pressure) at the roof.
Image 9 – Two hoses connect the mains supply to our truck. Flow returns at the boosted pressure, into the building hydrant system.
Image 8 – Two hoses feed into the on-board pump. Two hoses run back to the building\’s hydrant system.
Image 7 – Hoses crossing the footpath in a location with many pedestrians require continuous traffic management.
Image 10 – Frida the fire truck – most greatly admired by the passing pram traffic.
A successful day\’s work for the first city outing of our fire truck.
Your next hydrant boost test
We\’d love to help you with your next five yearly hydrant boost test. Give us a call on 1300 134 971